Thursday, March 22, 2007

Buddha and God

Buddha is the one who is awake and thus dispenses with the captivity of this world while God is almighty,creating this world with his supreme power.
God seems to be superior to Buddha from this point of view.However,this problem is so complicated for me !
Recently one thing is annoying me;how can I tell the truth from the two religion?I am not so simpleminded as to believe one thing.I might as well rid myself
of this complicated problem,not thinking too much.However,an evangelist whom I contact evangelize me so zealously that I cannot but think this problem.He told
me that Buddhism is only a philosophy created by people while God is God!God's word in Bible is truth!I feel somewhat repugnant,christian belief is so pure,
being exclusive of other religion.I myself still believe reincarnation.By contrast,it is believed that we have only one life according to Bible!Keeping
neutral may be the best way.This problem is too profound after all!

1 comment:

b9505018david said...

Yeah, you're right. I am trouble by this problem. Why people think differently? They can fight against each other just for the truth. I think judging which belief is right or wrong is meanless. Just believe it and don't harm people.